NDP References 2003 - 2004
2004 Literature
Effect of electrical field on dipoles in polymer composites, V. Švorčík, R. Gardášová, V. Rybka, V. Hnatowicz, J. Červená and J. Plešek, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Volume 91, Issue 1, pages 40–45, 5 January (2004)
Computation and inversion of ion spectra for neutron depth profiling of curved surfaces, J. Kenneth Shultis, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 526, Issue 3, 1 July (2004), Pages 359-375
CALCULATION OF ION ENERGY-DEPOSITION SPECTRA IN SILICON, LITHIUM-FLUORIDE, BORON, AND BORON CARBIDE, J.K. Shultis and D.S. McGregor, Report 299, Engineering Experiment Station, April 2004 (corrections in Jan. and July 2007) on line only
6Li+ ion implantation into polystyrene, M. R. F. Soares, P. Alegaonkar, M. Behar, D. Fink and M. Müller, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 218, June (2004), Pages 300-307
Experimental Techniques, Fink, D., and V. Hnatowicz, In Fundamentals of Ion-Irradiated Polymers, pp. 47-115. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004. Chapter
Analyses of thin films and surfaces by cold neutron depth profiling, G. P. Lamaze, H. H. Chen-Mayer and K. K. Soni, Applied Surface Science, Volume 238, Issues 1-4, 15 November (2004), Pages 108-112
Effect of Al additions and AlN interlayers on the stabilization of cBN sputtered thin films, Wilfredo Otaño-Rivera, Russell Messier, Lawrence J. Pilione, Jorge J. Santiago and George Lamaze, Diamond and Related Materials, Volume 13, Issue 9, September (2004), Pages 1690-1696
Development of time-of-flight neutron depth profiling at the Penn State University, Cetiner, S. M., Unlu, K., & Downing, R. G., Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 90, pages 311-312 (2004)
Formation, growth and dissociation of He bubbles in Al2O3, van Huis, M.A., van Veen, A., Labohm, F., Fedorov, A.V., Schut, H., Kooi, B.J., De Hosson, J. Th. M., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research (B) Vol. 216 Feb. (2004) pages 129-155
Helium implant depth dependence on thermal growth of nanocavities in silicon, Ntsoenzok, E., Ashok, S., Regula, G. and Pichaud, B., 7th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuits Technology, (2004) Proceedings., Vol. 3, pages 2382-2386.
DOI: 10.1109/ICSICT.2004.1435326
Profile measurements of helium implanted in UO2 sintered pellets by using the 3He(d, a)1H nuclear reaction analysis technique, T. Sauvage, H. Erramli, S. Guilbert, L. Vincent, M.-F. Barthe, P. Desgardin, G. Blondiaux, C. Corbel, J.P. Piron, F. Labohm, A. Van Veen, Journal of Nuclear Materials 327 (2004) pages 159–164
of magnetic transition around room temperature in the spinel Li[Mn1.96Li0.04]O4 by inelastic neutron scattering, A.J.M Schmets, G.J Kearley, H Mutka, I.M de Schepper, Physica B: Condensed Matter, Volume 350, Issues 1–3, Supplement, 2004, Pages E991-E993, ISSN 0921-4526,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2004.03.273 (Link).
Optical waveguides fabricated by transition element ions exchange in some commercial and special optical glasses, Jarmila Spirkova, Pavlina Tresnakova-Nebolova, Martin Mika, Optical Materials, Volume 25, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 101-107
ISSN 0925-3467
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0925-3467(03)00257-X (link).
2003 Literature
Notes on Neutron Depth Profiling, J. K. Shultis, (2003) web-only (http://ww2.mne.ksu.edu/~jks/papers/EESrpt298.pdf)
Nuclear reaction analysis of helium migration in zirconia, J.-M. Costantini, J.-J. Grob, J. Haussy, P. Trocellier, Ph. Trouslard, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 321, May 26 (2003) pp. 281–287
Helium in inert matrix dispersion fuels, Journal of Nuclear Materials, A van Veen , R.J.M Konings , A.V Fedorov, Volume 320, Issues 1–2, 1 July 2003, Pages 77–84
Surface porosity development on metal substrates by helium implantation and annealing, R. Escobar Galindoa, A. van Veena1a, H. Schuta, J.H. Evansa, A.V. Fedorova, P.Y. Houa, and J.Th.M. de Hossona, MRS Proceedings, Volume 792 (2003) Symposium R – Radiation Effects and Ion Beam Processing of Materials, Pages:R1.9.1-6
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/PROC-792-R1.9
Thermal annealing behaviour and defect evolution of helium in fully stabilised zirconia, P. M. G. Damen, A. van Veen, F. Labohm, H. Schut and M. A. van Huis, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 319, 1 June 2003, Pages 65-73
10B+-ion implantation into photoresist, M.R.F. Soares, M. Behar, D. Fink, M. Müller, and A. Petrov, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing , Vol. 77, No. 7 , June (2003) Pages 891-898
Planar glass optical waveguides containing transition metal ions, Pavlina Nebolova ; Martin Mika ; Anna Mackova ; Gabriela Kuncova ; Anna Langrova ; Karel Mach ; Jarmila Spirkova, Proc. SPIE 5036, Photonics, Devices, and Systems II, Miroslav Hrabovský, Dagmar Senderáková, Pavel Tománek, Editors, July 1 (2003) pages 612-617
Erbium localized doping into various cuts of lithium niobate and sapphire: a comparative study, Pavla Nekvindova ; Anna Mackova ; Vratislav Perina ; Jarmila Cervena ; Pavel Capek ; Josef Schroefel ; Jarmila Spirkova and Jiri Oswald, Proc. SPIE 5036, Photonics, Devices, and Systems II, July 1, (2003); pages 588-593
doi:10.1117/12.498640; http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.498640
Properties of the APE waveguides fabricated in Er:LiNbO3 and (Er+Yb):LiNbO3, Pavla Nekvindova, Anna Mackova, Vratislav Perina, Jarmila Cervena, Pavel Capek, Josef Schroefel, Jarmila Spirkova, Proc. SPIE 5036, Photonics, Devices, and Systems II, Miroslav Hrabovský, Dagmar Senderáková, Pavel Tománek, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5036 July 1 (2003); pages 539-545
Fabrication and properties of few-modes planar lithium glass waveguides, Linda Salavcova, Pavla Nekvindova, Jarmila Cervena, Anna Langrova, Vaclav Drahos, Jarmila Spirkova, , Proc. SPIE 5036, Photonics, Devices, and Systems II, (8 July 2003)
doi: 10.1117/12.498636; (Link)
Features of APE waveguides in different Er:LiNbO3 and (Er + Yb):LiNbO3 cuts: electrooptical coefficient r33, Pavla Nekvindová, Jarmila ervená, Pavel apek, Anna Macková, Vratislav Pe ina, Josef Schröfel and Jarmila pirková, Optical Materials, Volume 24, Issue 3, December 2003, Pages 527-535
Erbium localised doping into various cuts of lithium niobate and sapphire: a comparative study, Pavla Nekvindová, Anna Macková, Vratislav Perina, Jarmila Cervená, Pavel Capek, Josef Schröfel, Jarmila Spirková, and Jiri Oswald, Photonics, Devices, and Systems II, Miroslav Hrabovský, Dagmar Senderáková, Pavel Tománek, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5036 (2003) pages 588-593
NDP AND RBS STUDY OF LITHIUM NIOBATE, A. MACKOVA, V. PERINA, V. HNATOWICZ, J. VACIK, J. CERVENA, R. GROETZSCHEL, P. NEKVINDOVA, and J. SPIRKOVA Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium, Pruhonice, Prague, Czech Republic, 2 – 6 September 2002 pp. 748-752. (2003) chapter
ISBN: 978-981-238-391-4
Lithium migration based fabrication of few-modes planar glass waveguides, Linda Salavcová, Pavla Nekvindová, Jarmila Červena, Anna Langrová, Václav Drahoš, and Jarmila Špirková, Solid State Phenomena, Vol. 90-91, (2003) pages 577- 582
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.90-91.577
Two aspects of thin film analysis: boron profile and scattering length density profile, H. H. Chen-Mayer, G. P. Lamaze, K. J. Coakley and S. K. Satija, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 505, Issues 1-2, 1 June 2003, Pages 531-535
Cold neutron depth profiling of lithium-ion battery materials, G. P. Lamaze, H. H. Chen-Mayer, D. A. Becker, F. Vereda, R. B. Goldner, T. Haas and P. Zerigian, Journal of Power Sources, Volumes 119-121, 1 June 2003, Pages 680-685
Modeling detector response for Neutron Depth Profiling, Coakley, K. J., R. G. Downing, G. P. Lamaze, H. C. Hofsass, C. Ronning and J. Biegel Erratum to [Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 366 (1995) 137], Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 515, Issue 3, 11 December (2003), Pages 892-893
Transport Processes in Ion-Irradiated Polymers, Dietmar Fink, Springer Series in Materials Science Volume 65 (2004) 337 pages
ISBN: 978-3-642-05894-3