NDP References for 2001 - 2002

2002 Literature

  • Anormal growth of cavities in MeV He implanted Si covered with a thin Al Foil, Delamare, R, Ntsoenzok, E, Labohm, F, van Veen, A, Grisolia, J, Claverie, A, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research (B) Vol. 186 (1-4) pp. 324-328 January (2002)

  • Dielectric properties of 1 MeV electron-irradiated polyimide, P. S. Alegaonkar, V. N. Bhoraskara, P. Balaya, and P. S. Goyal , Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 80, Number 4, 28 January (2002) pages 640-642

  • Coloring of radiation damages in ion-implanted poly(aryl ether ether ketone): LiCl uptake and thermal desorption, J. Červená, J. Vacík, V. Hnatowicz, V. Švorčík and Y. Kobayashi, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Volume 83, Issue 13, pages 2780–2784, 28 March 2002

  • Helium damage and helium effusion in fully stabilised zirconia, P. M. G. Damen, Hj. Matzke, C. Ronchi, J. -P. Hiernaut, T. Wiss, R. Fromknecht, A. van Veen and F. Labohm , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 191, Issues 1-4, May 2002, Pages 571-576

  • Growth mechanism of cavities in MeV helium implanted silicon, J. Grisolia, A. Claverie, G. Ben Assayag, S. Godey, E. Ntsoenzok, F. Labhom, and A.VanVeen, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 91, No. 11, 1 June (2002) Pages 9027-9030

  • Positron confinement in embedded lithium nanoclusters, M. A. van Huis, A. van Veen, H. Schut, C. V. Falub, S. W. H. Eijt, P. E. Mijnarends, and J. Kuriplach, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, VOLUME 65, 085416 (2002) 11 pages

  • Nanocavity formation processes in MgO(1 0 0) by light ion (D, He, Li) and heavy ion (Kr, Cu, Au) implantation, A. van Veen, M. A. van Huis, A. V. Fedorov, H. Schut, F. Labohm, B. J. Kooi and J. Th. M. De Hosson , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 191, Issues 1-4, May 2002, Pages 610-615

  • Annealed proton exchanged optical waveguides in lithium niobate: differences between the X- and Z-cuts, Pavla Nekvindová, Jarmila pirková, Jarmila ervená, Milos Budnar, Alenka Razpet, Benjamin Zorko and Primo Pelicon, Optical Materials, Volume 19, Issue 2, April 2002, Pages 245-253

  • and properties of few-modes planar lithium glass waveguides, Linda Salavcova ; Pavla Nekvindova ; Jarmila Cervena ; Anna Langrova ; Vaclav Drahos and Jarmila Spirkova Proc. SPIE 5036, Photonics, Devices, and Systems II, 576 (July 1, 2003); doi:10.1117/12.498636; http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.498636

  • Study of LiNbO3 for optoelectronic applications by ion beam and neutron based analytical techniques, Spirkova, J., Nekvindova, P., Turcicova, H., Vacik, J., Cervena, J., Perina, V., & Hnatowicz, V. (IAEA-TECDOC--1292). International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) pages 55-65(2002)


  • Electrolyte penetration into high energy ion irradiated polymers, D. Fink, A. Petrov, M. Müller, T. Asmus, V. Hnatowicz, J. Vacik and J. Cervena, Surface and Coatings Technology, Volumes 158-159, September 2002, Pages 228-233

  • Refractive index and dielectric constant of the boron and fluorine diffused polyimide, P.S Alegaonkar, A.B Mandale, S.R Sainkar, and V.N Bhoraskar, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 194, Issue 3, September (2002), Pages 281–288

  • Decoration of radiation damages in polyimide implanted with rare gas ions, J. Cervená, J. Vacík, V. Hnatowicz, A. Macková, V. Pe ina and D. Fink, Surface and Coatings Technology, Volumes 158-159, September 2002, Pages 391-394

  • Aqueous marker penetration into ion irradiated polyimide, D. Fink, M. Müller, A. Petrov, R. Klett, L. Palmetshofer, V. Hnatowicz, J. Vacik, J. Cervena and L. T. Chadderton, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 191, Issues 1-4, May 2002, Pages 662-668

  • Calibration of a stopping power model for silicon based on analysis of neutron depth profiling and secondary ion mass spectrometry measurements, K. J. Coakley, H. H. Chen-Mayer, G. P. Lamaze, D. S. Simons and P. E. Thompson, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 192, Issue 4, June 2002, Pages 349-359

  • McGuire, S.C., Samuel, M.J., Sulcer, J.D., Lamaze, G.P., and Chen-Mayer, H.H., “Neutron Depth Profiling of Boron-Doped Ni3Al Coatings,” Thin Solid Films (submitted?).

2001 Literature

  • Energy Loss and Energy Straggling of Light Ions in Fullerite, J. Vacik , V. Hnatowicz , J. Cervena, H. Naramoto, S. Yamamoto, D. Fink, Fullerene Science and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 2, (2001) Pages 197-209

  • Temperature dependence of the permittivity of polymer composites, Václav Švorčík, Jarmila Králová, Vladimír Rybka, Jaromír Plešek, Jarmila Červená, and Vladimír Hnatowicz, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, Volume 39, Issue 8, pages 831–834, 15 April 2001

  • Crystal cut dependent H+ and Er3+ doping into lithium niobate and sapphire, Jarmila Spirkova-Hradilova ; Pavla Nekvindova ; Jiri Vacik ; Jarmila Cervena ; Vratislav Perina ; Anna Mackova ; Josef Schroefel ; Milos Budnar ; Alenka Raspet ; Benjamin Zorko ; Primoz Pelicon, Proc. SPIE 4277, Integrated Optics Devices V, 200 (May 15, 2001);


  • Characterization of BPSG films using Neutron Depth Profiling and Neutron/X-ray Reflectometry, H. H. Chen-Mayer, G. P. Lamaze, and S. K. Satija, AIP Conference Proceedings,Volume 550, pages 407-411 (2001)

  • doi: 10.1063/1.1354433

  • Irradiation effects of swift heavy ions on gallium arsenide, silicon and silicon diodes, V. N. Bhoraskar, Current Science, Vol. 80, No. 12, 25 JUNE (2001) 1567-1575

  • Annealing effects of helium implanted single crystals and polycrystalline magnesium aluminate spinel, E. A. C. Neeft, A. van Veen, R. P. C. Schram and F. Labohm, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 38, Issues 3-4, 2001, Pages 287-290

  • The possibility of tailoring the ne vs cLi relationship in lithium niobate optical waveguides, Jarmila pirková-Hradilová, Pavla Nekvindová, Ji í Vacík, Jarmila ervená and Josef Schröfel, Optical Materials, Volume 15, Issue 4, January 2001, Pages 269-278

  • Absorption of molten fluoride salts in glassy carbon, pyrographite and Hastelloy B, J. Vacik, H. Naramoto, J. Cervena, V. Hnatowicz, I. Peka and D. Fink, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 289, Issue 3, March 2001, Pages 308-314

  • Ultraviolet-extended real-time spectroscopic ellipsometry for characterization of phase evolution in BN thin films, J. A. Zapien, R. Messier and R. W. Collins, Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, pages 1982-1984 (2001)
